Does Spirit Airlines give full refunds?

Can I request a Refund from Spirit Airlines?

Spirit Airlines has a flexible refund policy that allows you a full refund if you cancel the ticket within 24 hours and departure is seven days later. Besides, you can also opt to get a full refund if the airline cancels your ticket. So if you doubt, Does Spirit Airlines give full refunds? The short answer is Yes. Besides, check out Spirit Airlines' refund terms and conditions for a better understanding.

Spirit Airlines Refund Policy - Highlights?

  • You get a full refund when cancelling the ticket within 24 hours, and departure is seven days away. The 24-hour policy is applicable for all fare types, no matter what conditions they have.
  • For refundable tickets, if you cancel a ticket after a risk-free period, you get a refund with the deduction of the cancellation fee; however, whereas there is no refund for a non-refundable ticket, the ticket value, in this case, is forfeited.
  • Spirit Airlines also offers refunds in case your flight is delayed by 3 hours or cancelled due to some technical reason.
  • If you cancel a flight due to the bereavement or death of a passenger in the booking or a close family member, your cancellation fee might waive.

Get a refund from Spirit Airlines?

  • If you cancel the booking within the risk-free period, your ticket value is credited back to the original payment mode.
  • You can also visit the website of Spirit and submit the refund request form online to request your refund. Once the refund request is submitted, you can expect a refund in 7-20 working days.
  • You can also speak to the Spirit Airlines representative directly and ask them to apply for a refund on your behalf.

Concussion: By reading the information above, I hope you are clear that Spirit does offer a full refund. However, if you still have any doubts or if additional information is needed, call Spirit Airlines Phone Number 1-802-341-3409 and speak to the agents directly.




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